Sunday 25 November 2012


'Trust me, I love you'

'If we don't have trust, we don't have anything.' Sounds familiar? Since as long as anyone could has ever remembered, people has been associating love with trust. Why so? At first I thought, hey, I love someone. Doesn't mean I have to put my full trust in him. He's just a human. And honestly, that sometimes works for me.

Trusting someone means letting your guard down. You are vulnerable. But hey, I trust a doctor to cure me. Doesn't mean I love him right? So, why is trust often associated with love? When you trust someone, you risk yourself. You tell them your secrets or let them guide you or do anything to you because you trust them. You believe that they're never gonna hurt you. Again, you're truly vulnerable. The smallest change of atmosphere or mistake can crush you.

But love. Love is when you care for someone more than you care for yourself. It's that indescribable feeling you have for someone that makes you want to be anything or achieve everything for them. I love my boyfriend. I do. I'd jump in front of a train to save him but I still check his phone to see if he's texting with his ex. So, we have stumble upon our main question yet again. How does trust be associated with trust. Ding ding ding! We have a winner. It doesn't.

We have been hearing lines like; without trust, there'll be no love. It's a lie, folks. Without trust, there can be love. Why do you think love at first sight exists? You can have love without trust just as easy as you can have trust without love. It's easy to have trust in someone without loving them. But with love, ah love, it's a bit complicated to love someone without trusting them. Am I right? This is because of two main reasons: 1) Your mind has been brainwashed with the fact that love needs trust by all the movies and novels and 2) Loving and trusting someone at the same time is the best kind of love anyone could ever ask for.

Hey, I thought you said you can love someone without trusting them. Yes, you can. But I didn't say it'll be a good love. The kind of love that you're gonna be able to look back and smile upon on your death bed. It'll just be an 'oh, I loved him once' kind of love. Point is, if you don't trust the person you love, then, you didn't fall in love with them, you just love them. Falling in love is the best part of love. Trusting the person you love to catch you when you fall for them. That's the best kind of love.

I guess what I'm trying to say is when you combine love and trust you will be willing to do anything for that person and you know that they will do just as much for you. And isn't that the best as it gets around here?

*drums rolling*
Alis Nur Shafeeza Binti Azizi

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