Tuesday 16 July 2013


Hiiii, it's been a few months since I last blogged. Got the urged to blog before but then the mood to write disappears right away. Well, for the past 2 months, I have been for the HKSBP English Debate, Asean Youth Camp 2013 and Rugby SBP 10. It's been a tiring month but well enjoyed. Kinda miss the moments there, but the memories are well cherished in my brain x) Hahaha, the ASYC was awesome. Managed to mingle with people around and get to know friends from different countries. SBP 10 was unexpected either. We managed to defeat KUSSESS, IKUPS & SEHEBAT and got champion for our group. Play off cup/plate against MCKK. The best game ever yet we loss since our standoff and props got injured but we managed to hold them back for the first 10 minutes. It sure felt long :3 Now, I need to focus on my studies which seems I haven't given my full concentration yet and next week I'm going for National Robotics Competition 2013. My last NRC for my NRC career. Hoping to win the state level and national level thus representing Malaysia in WRO 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Life has been hard lately. A lot of problems arising, worrying too much and so on. I have been treating my girlfriend harshly lately I guess and yeah, I feel very guilty for doing that. Stupid over-thinking -.- The ease I'm feeling right now after pouring everything that I wanna say into my blog feels great :) Maya Angelou once stated 'There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you'. Anyway, I still have tons and tons of works to be done. Will be blogging again If I have any free time, till then, bye peeps.

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