Wednesday 27 March 2013


Hi.It's been a busy week lately. I meant last week. Well, debate & exams at the same time. Not a good idea. Totally not a good idea. Well, the Malaysia Debate Open(MDO) was really fun & a great experience for me. It was totally a new arena of professionalism & thinking skills. The motion was given 30 minutes before the debate and you need to think the points in a half an hour time. That's definitely something new for me.  Out of 6 rounds, we managed to win one with KYS & there was 1 silent round which we won't know who wins the round. Others were all university students & we lost to them badly maybe? But, it is my first time debate tournament so chill out! Hahaha. I did my exam very very very badly this time. God knows what I is my ranking in this exam. I didn't study at all since I was busy with debate & PEMBINA 13. Juggling up two things at the same time really put a large toll on my body. Exhaustion. I scored 2A, 3A-, 2B+ & 1B. I haven't got my Moral marks yet since my teacher was on MC. I have made this exam my turning point for me, the time for me to start anew & to know where I'm standing right now. Anyways, it is fun blogging right now. Au Revoir!  
Puteri & Adreena vaining cos they
are so bored during dinner :p
My bag spoilt that pic--'
Me, Imran & Mus

Imran is sad cos of ***hahaha

Me & Adreena chilling since
tomorrow is exam -.-

Proudly presenting all the debaters! Bihah was not in the pic, this is sad._.

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